Still can't get it Fully Loaded.
PS: and then I found out why it was so hard to get it loaded - the whole market crap out.
I held a bit longer than I should. Breaking and bending some of the rules is happening again, and now really costing me more then necessary. Bergamot is deeply dissatisfied...
BOT: NVS on 9/30; CHL on 10/7
SLD: PTR on 9/22; IBM on 9/25; GE on 10/1; GOOGL, JPM, NVS, JNJ, BRK, MSFT, WFC on 10/13
DIVI received: PTR
MD Control: PTR out; NVS in - both slipping in and out
XOM, GE, WMT are still toying with 'disqualified'.
I don't have AAPL (for a moment), XOM, NVS, and CHL due to Operator Error.
Earnings start with JNJ on Oct 13, followed by banks.
I have PTR, PG, JPM, IBM
BHP out, ORCL back in, FB moving towards MD (what??!)
This is Arnott Overlay (AO) : XOM, GE, WFC, BRK, AAPL
RAFI 1000 index was rebalanced. Most recent weightings are here (link). Last check 7/29/2014.,PRF,XOM,CVX,GE,WFC,BRK/A,AAPL,JNJ,MSFT,JPM,ibm|B|P5,3,3|0
Arnott Overlay and System12 Select Theme (AOS12s) of System9.
As of 9/17 it holds BRK, MSFT, GOOGL, IBM, JPM, JNJ, WFC, WMT, GE , and out of AAPL for a moment. Somehow I forgot to buy PG, when i bot it for S12. It's ok, since I have more than I allowed, waiting for inevitable stop-out to take care of that soon.
EEBL include: IBM, MSFT, WFC
GURU holdings include these S12 stocks: AAPL, JPM, WFC
Since mid August, GURU etf changed about a dozen holdings. MSFT, PG where amongst sold ones.
New additions include FB (omg!), HPQ, TMUS, but these are of interest:,CFX,ENDP,STAY,FMC,HMHC,TMO|B|P5,3,3|0
KREM September 2014
Continuing massaging that summer idea
I changed selection criteria a bit, resulting in replacing SOCL with XRT. There are a bunch of financial ETF's coming up (like IAI, KRE etc), so I decided to go with XLF to cover them all. Swapped XES for OIH - they are basically dupes, but I still can't pick which one is better. I like the fact that different set of guidelines didn't make much difference on index composition. Unfortunately I am not too sure how best to use KREM Index. Its not an index of market leaders, just stuff that moves... up and down.,GDX,XOP,OIH,URA,IBB,XME,XRT,XPH,XHB,XLF,XLU|B|P5,3,3|0