Daily Global Economic Calendar

Real Time Economic Calendar provided by Investing.com.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

System 12 Plus - 12-2014

.this update cover activity from 12/15/2014 to 1/16/2015

As of 12/15 System 12 was in cash

BOT: PTR on 12/23 (out on 1/9); PFE and BRK on 1/16
SLD: NVS, BRK, WFC, AAPL on 12/15; 
DIVI received: WMT

on 12/15/2014

This is MD:
MD Control: CHL out; PTR in
Disqualified: XOM, GOOGL, PTR

This is SD:
HSBC, T out; BAC, BUD in

This is Arnott Overlay (AO) : XOM, GE, WFC, BRK, AAPL
 RAFI 1000 index was rebalanced. Most recent weightings are here (link). Last check 7/29/2014.

 Arnott Overlay and System12 Select Theme (AOS12s) of System9.
in cash

GURU holdings include these S12 stocks: AAPL,  JPM,  WFC
Last check was in November in this post (link)
ENDP is still going

----------------------------------- EEBL ---------------------------------------
 EEBL include these S12 stocks: MSFT, WFC, ORCL

 I've been following this wise and smart writer of  CrossingWallStreet.com for about a year, and remain impressed with his calm composure, even as his portfolio underperformed SandP for a first time since 2006 (my jinx, no doubt). Some notes are here and here (links)

 Eddy Elfenbein Buy List (EEBL) is changed for 2015.
Traditionally, this clever 'buy-n-hold blogger' has dropped 5 stocks - CA (don't remember why), DTV and MDT (because they merged with others), IBM and MCD (because they turned to shit).
Replacements are BLL, HRL, SBNY, SNA, WAB. I started to run a CSI on his entire list just recently, will continue to keep an eye on CA, IBM, MCD (especially looking for turn-around in McDonalds) , all in effort to trade opportunistically the very best, sound businesses.  Happy and a bit surprised to see Hormel Foods HRL here, not just because its one of my 'fetish favorites', but also I already traded it several times successfully and just recently exited with very respectable double-digit gain. Here is looking at you, Eddy

EEBL 2015

--------------------Watchlist Cleaner------------------------------------
Muppet mo-mo favorits
 KREM September 2014
