.this update covers all activity 1/19 to 2/13/2015.
Life interferes with my well laid out plans again.
My family needs me. Thank god everybody healthy, but trouble follow us into new year in a big way. Taking some time (and money) to sort this out. Have to cut down on everything non-essential for a limited time. Unfortunately it includes blog updates and my assorted writings. Feels almost painful - my spontaneous mind-farts on pages of this blog became such an important part of my life. I have so many ideas, but to organize them I need to write an article - thats how I create order out of chaos in my head. I even started a couple, but didn't have time to finish.
I'll be back...
I am a bit surprised to see how weak S12 stocks are - many disqualified, more than half are under 50 day ma. Taking some on a border line and also from Second Dozen.
System12BCM: http://stockcharts.com/freecharts/candleglance.html?pfe,brk/b|B|P5,3,3|0
BOT: HSBC and WFC on 1/26; AAPL on 1/29; GOOGL on 1/30; XOM on 2/5
SLD: HSBC on 1/30
DIVI received: AAPL
This is MD:
MD Control: GE out; CHL in
BABA is off Mega-Dozen (told ya)
Disqualified: XOM, PTR, GOOGL
4th Quarter MD 2014 earnings
(only initial reaction considered, regardless if stock recovers or not):
reported: 4 up; 5 down
Earnings: PTR and CHL on 3/20?; BRK 2/27?